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Analysis of Technology Use and Limitation in Cassava Production in Esan Central Local Government Area of Edo State, Nigeria
The study investigated technology use and limitation in cassava production in Esan central local government area of Edo State, Nigeria. It equally assessed the relationship between farmers' personal factors and use of new technologies. Analysis of 88 completed interview schedules from farmers revealed that the average percentage level of awareness and adoption of the recommended technologies associated with cassava production were 46% and 21% respectively, indicating a low level of extension effectiveness. The average number of technologies adopted by respondents was 3 out of 8, representing an adoption performance of 38%. Neglect by extension agents ( X =4.75) and non - availability of improved cassava cuttings ( X =4.29) were considered by farmers as serious technology limitation; while farmers1 use of the technologies was significantly related to their educational status (b =0.145) and contact with extension workers (b = 0.156). The Edo State ADP should improve its information dissemination methods so as to create better awareness of improved technologies in cassava production among farmers. Efforts should be made on the part of the Edo ADP to encourage farmer-to-farmer extension to complement extension services effort.