The journal publishes current and emerging issues in the following areas:- Animal Science, crop science, weed science, biological science, food science, Biotechnology in agriculture and apiculture, Agricultural extension, Agricultural economics, Soil science, Agricultural technology and Aquaculture. The journal may include full length report of original research, review article, book reviews, research notes and short communications.

Manuscripts in English should be prepared double spaced typing on one side of A4 paper. Papers should be sub-divided into: Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results and Discussion or Results and Discussion (combined), Acknowledgement (if any) and should be included below the Abstract. Tables and Figures should be supplied on extra sheets. Photographs must be black and white. Every Table should have a short descriptive caption at the top and carry no vertical lines. The caption for the figures should be at the bottom. Numbering for Tables and Figures should be in Arabic numbers i.e 1, 2, 3….etc. The title which must be short and concise, should head the article. Author’s name consisting of the surname, followed by the initials should be written below the title. This should be followed the author’s affiliation with full address. References in the text must be given by the authors name with year of publication. References with more than 2 authors should be listed as 1st author followed by et al. The list of references should include only the publications cited in the text and should be placed in alphabetical order. Titles should be in full.

Examples are given as follows:

Ogunwale, A. B (2002) Comparison of rural communities on rural development programme involvement: A case study of women participation in development programme in rural areas of Oyo state. Nigerian Journal of Rural Sociology 3: 64-72

Oluyemi, J.A and Roberts, F.A. (1979) Poultry production in warm wet climates. Macmillan Pres Limited, London

Odunsi, A. A and Longe, O.G (1998) Nutritive value of hot water or cocoa- pod ash solution treated cocoa bean cake for broiler chicks. British Poultry Science 39: 519 – 525.


Submission of Manuscript

Manuscript typed in character size 11, double spaced with 3cm margin all round on A4 paper should be submitted in triplicate with the processing charge of one thousand naira to be paid on submission by contributors. Similarly there will be a token sum of six thousand naira for each accepted article. All payments are to be made in cash, cheque, bank draft, money transfer or bank account (details later). Accepted manuscript will be returned to authors for final correction and re-submission in MS word 2002 (or later) format on new CD properly labelled with one had copy. A copy of the journal will be sent to the first author of published article.  Papers published or under consideration are not acceptable. Contributors might include Names and addresses including e-mail of four competent reviewers of the article. Articles might also be sent via e-mail attachment.

All correspondence to the Managing Editor:

Prof A A Odunsi (IJAAAR)

Department of Animal Production and Health

Ladoke Akintola University of Technology,

PMB 4000, Ogbomoso, Nigeria



Journal Identifiers

print ISSN: 0331-5428
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