This study investigates the pattern of ICT access and use among science teachers in Federal Unity Schools (FUSs) in Nigeria. A total of 464 copies of the questionnaire were administered on science teachers in 25 FGUSs that were systematically selected from the 104 FGUSs in Nigeria out of which only 353 copies were returned with useful responses. The findings of the study revealed a low level of access to laboratory-based ICT facilities (Mean = 2.18). Moreover, the findings of the study revealed specialized classroom/laboratory (Mean = 0.52), library (Mean = 0.52), and science laboratory (Mean = 0.25) as the most preferred location of ICT access by science teachers in FUSs in Nigeria. The study further revealed a low level of ICT use among science teachers while also revealing a low level of ICT use for laboratory-based/experiment-based activities. Also, positive relationships were established between location of access and ICT use (r = 0.186) and degree of accessibility and ICT use (r = 0.438). A positive relationship was also established between location of access and degree of accessibility (r = 0.374). Also, a joint significant relationship was established among location of ICT access, degree of ICT accessibility, and ICT use (F = 61.61, p<0.05) though degree of accessibility was found to contribute more to ICT use among the science teachers than location of ICT access. Location of access and degree of accessibility were found to be responsible for 25.6% of the total variance in ICT use among science teachers in FUSs in Nigeria.
Keywords: location of ICT access, degree of ICT access, ICT use, Federal Unity Schools