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Perceived Organizational Support and Some Demographic Variables predicting Organizational Commitment of Non-teaching Employees in a State-owned Nigerian University
Using an ex post facto design, two hundred and six (n=206) non-teaching employees consisting of 110 male and 96 female were purposively selected for the study. A carefully designed questionnaire comprising three sections; demographic information, perceived organizational support scale and organizational commitment scale was used for data collection. The data collected was analyzed using t-test independence of means and simple multiple regression.
Results indicated that perceived organizational support significantly influenced organizational commitment, (t (202) = -3.33, P<.05). Organizational tenure significantly contributed to the variance in organizational commitment, (B = .22; t = 2.30; P <.05).
It was recommended that organizations should pay adequate attention to satisfying employees work-related and non-work related needs as this would make them to increase their attachment to the organization.