Training in industry is effective only to the extent that it is planned, structured and systematic. However inspite of the indigenization degree of 1974 research evidence has shown that only a few industries are offering training based on identification of needs. It is the seriousness of the possible implication of this situation on the operational performance of the industries that motivates this research work to determine the impact of systematic approach to training, as a step in raising the productivity and efficiency of manufacturing and engineering industries. The research design adopted for the study was a survey and documentary analysis. The area covered by the study consisted of manufacturing and engineering industries in South West of Nigeria. Stratified sampling technique was used to select the respondents for the study. The instrument used was validated and pilot-tested to ascertain the internal consistency using Cronbach Alpha. The reliability coefficient of the questionnaire was 0.71. Data obtained were analysed using mean, one-way analysis of variance, percentages and frequency count The results of data analyses indicated that there is no significant difference in the mean responses of the Training Managers, Trainers, and Supervisors. The respondents were of the view that industries should have well articulated training and staff development policy and employ full time training officers. The implications of this study for those engaged in Human Resources Development are highlighted. Based on the findings, it was recommended that for training to be cost effective, it must be properly planned, carefully designed, meticulously developed, professionally implemented and thoroughly evaluated.
Keywords:- Systematic Training, Impact, Performance, Human Resource Development
Ife PsychologIA, 20(2), September 2012