Little attention has been given to social anxiety in Nigeria despite its debilitating effects on the sufferers. The objective of this study was to develop, standardize and validate an instrument (Social Anxiety Scale) with high coefficients of Cronbach Alpha Internal Consistency Split-half reliability and construct validity. It will measure social anxiety in both the general population and individuals who suffer from social anxiety. 464 participants with age range 12 to 22 years were used. Three instruments, Personal Data Form, Social Anxiety Scale (SAS) and Fear of Negative Evaluation (FNE) were used to collect data. Statistical Package for Social Scientist (SPSS) version 17 was used to analyze the data. Descriptive statistics was used to compute the reliability coefficients. The factorial validity was established using Principal Component factor analysis with iteration and orthogonal varimax rotation. The Social Anxiety Scale was found to be reliable with significant split-half and crombach Alpha Reliability coefficients. Social Anxiety and six of its seven subscales correlated positively and significantly with the scores in Fear of Negative Evaluation. The newly developed scale (SAS) should enable teachers and future researchers on social anxiety screen their wards and participants for social anxiety.