The study examined the roles of sexual harassment and personality trait types on sexual responses among university undergraduates. 100 participants (50 sexually harassed and 50 controlled) matched on the bases of age and gender were used for the study. Their M age was 24.68 with SD age of 3.48. A demographic instrument eliciting sexual harassment experience, the Eysenck Personality Questionnaire (EPQ) Adult, by Eysenck and Eysenck (1975) and the Sexual Anxiety Inventory (SAI) by Hoon and Chambless were the instruments used. Ex-post facto matched group design was used while Repeated ANOVA measures was used in data analysis. The result of the study showed significant difference of personality type on sexual dysfunction, F (2,196)=65.89 (Mean. Psychoticism = 65.74, Extroversion = 31.87, Neuroticism = 61.99). However no difference was seen on sexual harassment and sexual anxiety. Significant interaction effect was also seen on sexual harassment and personality types on sexual dysfunction. The findings of the study implicated educational and social interactions as pathways through which sexual abuse can result in sexual anxiety.