The purpose of this study was to investigate the psychosocial factors predisposing university undergraduates to mentoring relationship. Using convenience sampling, a total of 320 participants were recruited including164 males and 156 females, whose ages ranged from 17 to 30. Questionnaires on Locus of control, self esteem, and mentoring relationship were used to gather data from the participants. The result showed that Locus of Control significantly, independently predicted mentoring relationship, while, psycho-social factors (self-esteem, Age Sex, Religion, Year of study, and Ethnicity) did not show significant independent prediction of mentoring relationship. In addition, psycho-social factors (Religion, Level of Education and Ethnicity) have a negative relationship with mentoring relationship. The study‘s findings showed that locus of control, age and year of study are factors that determine whether university undergraduates will be opened to mentoring relationship. Furthermore, university undergraduates who internalize locus of control will be more opened to involve in mentoring relationship than university undergraduates who externalize locus of control. Therefore, for mentoring relationship to be effective and successful, locus of control (internal locus of control), age and year of study of university undergraduates should be considered. This is believed will enhance and develop individual and management skills; reduce stress, increase academic performance, and reduction in anti-social behaviour in both the social and academic environment.