Education is very vital in the development of any nation, more importantly higher education. Unfortunately, the same higher education is faced with great challenges and difficulties ranging from individual personal problem, to institution and to general problems. The study investigated the perception of the students about the guidance services available to them. The study adopted descriptive survey twelve (12) universities consisting federal, state, and private universities from south-west geopolitical zone of Nigeria, 50 students comprises of male and female including undergraduates and post graduates were randomly selected from each of the universities. Five hypotheses were postulated and tested at 0.05 level of significance. Data were collected with the use of “Available Guidance Services Questionnaire” (AGSQ) á =0.73 and analyzed with t-test. The students from sample universities had the same perception about the guidance services that were not in operation as they should be utilized. The findings will help each university authority and National University commission (NUC) to recommend the establishment and the functioning of guidance and counselling unit, staffing it with adequate professionals. They also should be monitored in order to fulfill its goals and the higher educational goals that would develop the nation and Africa as a whole.