The influence of social support, work overload, and parity on psychological well-being of pregnant career women was investigated. Retired civil servants (N475) attending monthly pensioners’ meeting in Lagos were selected following multi-stage sampling. The survey adopted a cross sectional design. MANOVA, regression and t-test statistical analysis revealed that personality (R2=.11;F(1,474)=6.38;P<.05), and social support predicted general health status (R2=.15;F(3,472)=2.65;P<.05. Social support significantly influenced two dimensions of general health status; social dysfunction (F(1) = 12.009) p = .000) and depression (F (1) = 13. 119, p = 000). Self-efficacy significantly influenced two dimensions of general health status, somatic symptoms (F (1) = 60.943, P = .000) and depression, (f (1) = 53.255, p = .000). There was no significant difference between participants with high and low self efficacy on general health status (t (473) = -.167; P>.05). In conclusion, personality, social support and self efficacy jointly predict general health status among retirees, but only personality and social support have significant independent influence. Employees and human resource managers should be more conscious of the psychosocial problems that affect the general health of retirees. Preparation for retirement should commence at the point of employment, with reliable retirement planning schemes.