Performance attribution style plays a significant role in determining whether or not students engage on academic dishonesty more especially in cheating during examination. This, according to Nelson (1995), is an assault upon the basic integrity and meaning of a university. This study explores the relationship between performance attributions, grade expectation and tendency to cheat during examinations among PGDE students in University of Botswana (UB). This exploratory study using an inferential survey design was carried out by collecting data from 304 PGDE students and analysing these using one-way ANOVA. The results revealed that students‟ attribution of successful performance significantly influenced their tendency to cheat in examination; failing performance on the other hand, has no significance influence on this variable. Existing discrepancy between expected and earned grade was also found to significantly influenced students‟ tendency to cheat in an examination among UB PGDE students. These were discussed and recommendations made.