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Deployment experiences, moral injury and posttraumatic stress disorder as predictors of sexual performance problems among Nigerian army veterans

Hauwa Mary Aigboje
Fredrick Sonter Anongo
Audu Elias Terkumbur
Dayyabu Junaidu Inuwa


Recent research indicates increasing sexual problems, such as erectile dysfunction and sexual dissatisfaction among military veterans worldwide. However, little is known about factors that constitute risk, especially among veterans in Nigeria. This research examined the predictive role of combat experiences, moral injury and PTSD on sexual performance problems (erectile dysfunction and sexual dissatisfaction) in Nigerian Army Veterans. The design for the study was an ex-post facto that employed cross-sectional survey to purposively sample 228 military veterans with previous history of combat deployment in the North East. Eligible participants responded to measures of demographics/ military characteristics and standardized instruments that assessed deployment experiences, moral injury and sexual performance problems. Data were analysed using multiple regression statistics at .05 level of statistical significance. Findings showed that combat experiences have a significant independent influence on sexual dissatisfaction but not on erectile dysfunction. Similarly, moral injury was a significant independent predictor of sexual dissatisfaction but not erectile dysfunction. However, PTSD was an insignificant factor in explaining reported sexual performance problems in the veterans but together with combat experiences and moral injury jointly predicted the two sexual performance problems. These results indicate that combat experiences and moral injury are significant factors in sexual problems among Nigerian veterans and therefore should be addressed through sensitization, provision of emotional support, so as to make veterans overcome the challenge and improve on their post-deployment sexual life and operational efficiency.

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 1117-1421