The educational literature suggests that there is mounting pressure on tertiary institutions from customers of higher education to close the widening gap between their expectations of institutional performance and actual performance (Brigham, 1994). This study was the first part of a two-part service quality study of Ghana\'s first executive MBA program. The authors of the paper needed to ascertain in an exploratory context what the current service delivery experiences of the students were. Half of the respondents did not believe that the physical facilities on the EMBA were appealing. They cited worn out furnishing and fittings and unattractive looking air conditioners as some of the reasons why they thought the facilities were unappealing. Just over half (57.7%) of the respondents believed that lecturers had the knowledge to answer their questions. They were of the opinion that some lecturers were too steeped in the theoretical aspects of the course they lectured in, without showing an expansive enough appreciation of the practical ramifications of the theory both locally and internationally. 20% of the respondents would not recommend the program to friends or family because they perceived the service quality on the program was not high enough; felt competitor programs like the GIMPA EMBA had better service quality and they felt the distance learning programs like the Leicester Distance Learning EMBA offered more flexibility. This is an initial exploratory study and therefore the results are not conclusive; but rather reflective. The key areas of reflection for the program managers of the LEGON EMBA would include a look at reformulating the program content, including seasoned guest lecturers as part of the program, a look at consolidating their strengths and improve their weak areas of the teaching faculty. An EMBA student representative must also be nominated to serve on the EMBA governing Council.
Keywords: Executive MBA, University of Ghana Business School, service, lecturers
IFE PsychologIA Vol. 13(2) 2005: 114-137