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Mothers' Self- Evaluation, Attribution in Parenting and Coping Strategies on Child Externalizing Behaviour in Ibadan, Nigeria.
The result indicates that children whose mothers report low self-evaluation showed significantly higher externalizing behaviour than children whose mothers reported high self-evaluation (t 198=18.581, p<. 05. Children whose mothers reported external attribution in parenting showed more externalizing behaviour (mean =34.94) than children whose mothers reported internal attribution in parenting (mean = 29.75 t 198 = -7.547, P<. 05). Mothers' self-evaluation, attribution in parenting and coping strategies had significant joint effect on children's externalizing behaviour (F 7,167 =14.682; p<. 007). Also self-evaluation (F 1,167 = 6.411 p <. 012) and attribution in parenting (F 1,167 = 9.485 p< .002) had significant main effect on child externalizing behaviour.
It was concluded that mothers should have a better understanding of their roles as parents to reduce tendency for externalizing behaviour in children. There is a need for individuals going into parenthood to have basic knowledge of child development and child management skills through appropriate parenting programmes to ensure positive future adult lives for their children.
Ife Psychologia Vol.13(1) 2005: 101-112