This paper examines some of the practices of student-teachers during off-campus teaching practice in Ghana. It is a theoretical paper based on personal observations of student- teachers from the University of Cape Coast, and the Post-Secondary Teacher Training Colleges for a period of nine years. The observations are supported by published literature. The outcome of the observations shows that while student-teachers obey the rule that they should write their lesson notes in bound note books, about 70% on them have problems when it comes to the organisation of the information on the lesson notes. In actual teaching-learning skills, the major flaws are associated with questioning techniques, evaluation and lesson delivery. There are some good points though, with the problem areas but the flaws outweigh them. Solutions are given as to how the problems identified can be solved and also on how teaching practice can be improved upon.
IFE Psychologia Vol.12(2) 2004: 69-86