This study investigated adolescent impulsivity, parenting styles and marital satisfaction as determinants of parent-adolescent conflict in the home. 120 adolescents and 120 parents drawn from Lagos and Ibadan were used in the study. 5 scales were used in data collection; Onuoha (2001) authouritative/authoritarian parenting styles scale, Emelogu (2002) parent-adolescent conflict scale (adolescent version), Olapegba-Emelogu (2002) adolescent impulsivity scale, Mehrbian (1998) marital satisfaction scale and parent version of the parent-adolescent conflict scale by Emelogu (2002). 2-way ANOVA and Pearson r were used in analyzing the data. There was significant interaction of adolescent impulsivity, authoritative parenting and marital satisfaction on parent-adolescent conflict. The results as well revealed that authoritarian parenting is significantly related to parent-adolescent conflict. It is therefore suggested that a good conflict management mechanism be put in place to reduce conflict to a manageable level.
Ife PsychologIA Vol.12(1) 2004:33-39