The study examined the experiences of working women in Ibadan metropolis and its impact on family stability. A total of 156 working women, both in the formal and informal sectors of the economy, participated in the study. Since the majority of Nigerian women are engaged in the informal sector, a larger proportion of women from the informal sector were sampled (i.e 101 respondents ), while 55 respondents were for the formal sector. Results indicated that most women with dependent children go out to work for financial reasons, that is, to augment family income. Also, regardless of the sector of the economy a woman worked, her working responsibility does not prevent her from performing her primary role in the family. The findings indicate that a woman has to put in extra effort to cope with housework and work outside the home, more especially when the husband is not really helpful in this regard. It was also observed that the basic factor inhibiting women's entry into the formal labor force is their low educational background. Finally, it was established that family stability or instability is not a result of women working outside homes or not. Rather, it is a function of understanding between couples. Other factors might have aided or contributed to family instability, such as: cultural differences, barrenness, family influences, amongst others.
IFE Psychologia (2003) 11(2), 192-213