This research investigated the use of songs and rhymes in four preschool Centres at the Gomoa East district in the central region of Ghana. Using case study design to study in detail the unique characteristics on the use of songs and rhymes at the preschool level, a sample of 12 teachers from 8 classrooms in 4 schools were purposively selected. Three research questions were formulated to guide the study. These teachers were observed during teaching after which they were interviewed. It was gathered from the study that, participants understood songs and rhymes to be a way of entertaining their learners to arouse their interest for a lesson. The results from the study suggested the participants understanding songs and rhymes as forming an integral part of early childhood teaching and were therefore of the view that they could not be substituted for any other activity. It was observed through the study that children became active, excited and were involved when songs and rhymes were introduced. This made the teaching and learning process enjoyable. From the findings therefore, it is recommended that some in-service training could be given to teachers to create their own songs to fit into the lesson and also develop songs and rhyme books to guide teachers during the teaching and learning process.