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Global governance, energy policies and security of supply of liquefied petroleum gas in Tanzania

Juma Mabasa Kanuwa
Jensen G Mahavile


Energy security is important for human development and welfare. Governance regimes at both global and country levels are crucial for the realization of energy security. This study highlights the role of global governance for security of supply of liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) in Tanzania. Specifically, the study examines the effect of global governance on the development of the liquefied petroleum gas sector in Tanzania and proposes strategies for improving the development of liquefied petroleum gas energy security in Tanzania. The study adopted the qualitative research design and underpinned by action research approach. Key informant interviews and Focus Group Discussions were used to collect primary qualitative data, while review of documents was done to provide secondary data and triangulate findings. A sample of 30 respondents was purposively selected among policy makers as well as other private and public sector actors. Thematic analysis was used to analyse the data. The findings establish that the low level of LPG supply security in the country is contributed to by both national energy policies and global energy governance. It was further found that global governance affects the LPG energy security in Tanzania due to the selective nature of global energy governance institutions. The study recommends that in order to improve the LPG energy security in Tanzania, clear and implementable policies as well as encouragement of public private partnership should be given priority. The study further recommends that Tanzania should strengthen essential elements such as technology, expertise and infrastructures to attract more investors in LPG.

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2773-658X