This study examined the factors that militate against the information seeking behavior of sandwich studen ts in selected Nigerian Universities. Questionnaire was used to collect data with a response rate of (97.30%). Among the militating factors are: lack of time, inconvenient location of library, unfriendly opening and closing hours, lack of relevant materials, uncooperative attitude of staff, and inability to use library catalogues. The findings revealed the following: Lack of time (76.18%), inconvenient location of library (66.88%); unfriendly opening and closing hours (66.88%); the need for information to d o class work (67.21%); preparation for examination (55.79%) and general knowledge (33.77%). The hypotheses revealed that there is a significant difference between the factors that militate against information seeking behaviour of undergraduate sandwich stu dents by age and there is no significant difference between the factors that militates against undergraduate sandwich students’ information seeking behaviour by gender.