The study is on utilization of online resources among undergraduates in Nigerian library school using the department of Library Science, Federal Polytechnic Nekede as a case study. The questionnaire was the major instrument used in eliciting information from the respondents. A total of 100 sets of questionnaire were administered with returned rate of 79%, they were analyzed using frequency distribution counts and percentages. The findings of the study showed that students’ made use of online resources when the need arose, relevance and currency of online resources account for the reason why students use online resources. Electronic book (e-book) was mostly utilized as against Ejournals and E-thesis, while mobile phones and cybercafés remain the channels used in accessing online resources. it was discovered that incessant power supply, slow Internet connectivity and lack of time to access the information resources are constraints to effective utilization of online resources. The study concluded that students made use of online resources as it was becoming a predominant feature in academic environment in contemporary society.