The study investigated the utilization of print reference materials in a Nigerian hybrid medical school library, factors influencing utilization or under utilization, and if utilization commensurate with the library’s prospect on the use of these materials. During the period of study, it was assumed that all reference materials pulled out of their shelves and probably left opened in the reference section of the library, have been consulted, and recorded as such on a spread sheet to determine usage. And, on the other hand, 245 students who visited the library and consequently used any of the library’s workstation voluntarily completed a questionnaire to determine if they searched online reference materials. Findings indicate minimal utilization of the library’s print reference and the main factor for under-utilization of the print reference materials was users’ preference for the free online reference resources, since the library has no active subscription to commercial electronic/online reference resources. Amongst other things to be done by library managers and collection development librarians are the review of acquisitions policy to be inclusive of considerable subscription to online or electronic reference resources.