This study investigated the Adoption and use of Information and Communication Technology (ICTs) in organizations in Abraka and Warri metropolis in Delta State, Nigeria. Sets of questionnaire were administered to 200 respondents in 4 organizations of Delta State. Findings revealed that among other ICTs used in organizations, the computer is the most common ICT facility available in the organizations under study. Analysis also revealed that two of the organizations studied do not have adequate ICT infrastructure for workers to use. Majority of staff in SPDC and Oceanic Bank Plc acquire their ICT use skills from staff training programmes of their organizations, while staff in DELSU and WSWLGC mainly acquire their skills through trial and error. Although almost all the respondents admitted the importance of ICTs to their jobs, staff in DELSU and WSWLGC face problems such as lack of maintenance of the ICT infrastructure, electricity problem and lack of maintenance of the few ICTs available. The study recommends that organizations especially those owned by the government should be more committed to the provision of ICTs in organizations