Computer-Assisted Language Learning (CALL) is a relatively new and rapidly evolving academic field that explores the role of information and communication technologies in language learning and teaching. It has rapidly developed over the last forty years. This development can be categorized into three distinct phases: behaviouristic CALL, communicative CALL and Integrative CALL. Despite the numerous advantages that can be made of the computer in language teaching, many language teachers in developing countries can still not benefit from this computer revolution due to inadequate exposure. This paper highlights the numerous uses and approaches that can be made of the computer in English Language teaching by low technologically exposed teachers. Classroom implications and applications for the effective Computer Assisted Language teaching for low technology teachers are suggested.
Key words: CALL, Behaviouristic, communicative, Integrative, Internet,
Multimedia, Hypermedia, E-mail, Programs.
The Information Technologist Vol.2(1) 2005: 33-39