The paucity of information on the computing status of the quantity surveyors in Nigeria have been scanty and without empirical substantiation. The basic platform for entry to the information technology gateway is the acquisition, adoption and utilization of the computer. Baseline information is therefore indispensable for the profession to make strategic move alongside other professions in the built environment. This study therefore aimed at examination how the Quantity Surveyors (quantity surveying) have risen to the challenges of the computing as a tool that enhances his contribution to the construction delivery process. The study focused at discovering the state of the art of computing to the Quantity Surveying profession, the computing needs of the professionals and the inhibiting factors to effective computing drive, application and utilization. Using a survey design approach, a sample (N=35) was drawn on quantity surveyors from various organizations employing Quantity Surveying services in Lagos metropolis of Nigeria. The data were analysed using descriptive data analysis and mean item score to analyze responses obtained on a modified Likert scale instrument to generate relevant indices. The study revealed that the younger members of the profession are the most active in the quest for computer adoption, application and training. From this group about 83% are found to be using computers for their professional services, albeit, at elementary level. The management of firms seems not to be providing the necessary leadership for strategic computerization of quantity surveying services. Majority of the respondents underwent training in computer on personal and informal basis. The most popular quantity surveying package is the Master Bill (MB). The major inhibiting factors in computer acquisition are the indifference of management, cost element associated with acquisition and maintenance. It was found out that some quantity surveyors felt that computerization was not necessary. The study suggested that attitudinal change by the management of the firm and organizations employing quantity surveyors, on the one hand and the quantity surveyors themselves, on the other, is necessary. Quantity surveying software training is recommended to be part of quantity surveying curricula of quantity surveying training institutions as a way of ensuring standardization in training process and economizing the macro cost of training. The study advocated awareness campaign and creation of enabling environment for the development of local quantity surveying software. These, hopefully, will go a long way to create the required l platform for the quantity surveyors to move with the times.
Key words: Computing, Quantity Surveyors, computing inhibiting factors, Quantity Surveying software.
The Information Technologist Vol.1(1&2) 2004: 1-16