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Application of electronic security devices for protection of information resources in Federal Colleges of education libraries in Northwest, Nigeria

Abdullahi Mukhtar Dorayi
Saleh Abdullahi Adam
Yusuf Bako


The study investigated information resources security in Federal Colleges of Education libraries in Northwest, Nigeria. The study had two research objectives. The study employed a descriptive survey research design to elicit information from the participants. The researcher purposively selected 17 participants from the study area. The researcher used open-ended interview guide as an instrument for data collection, trustworthiness and transiperabilty were used as a means of validation and reliability of the instrument. The data was collected by administrating interview and analyzed using thematic analysis with open coding. The findings revealed that theft, mutilation, non-return of borrowed items, disasters and cybercrime were the types of security issues in FCE libraries in Northwest, Nigeria. The study further revealed that the FCE libraries use only CCTV and handheld devices in protection of information resources in the library. As such, the study recommends that the college management should provide comprehensive security training to library staff and design security policy can be use punish of the libraries and college libraries under studies should install other types of electronic security devices such as RFID, 3M security gate among others for protection information resources. 

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2805-3478
print ISSN: 1597-4316