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Development of virtual reality model for visual field examination

Tariuge Tebepah
J. Bunakiye


In this research, a VR model was designed to determine its validity for testing visual field which is the basics for diagnosing medical  conditions like Alzheimer disease, Glaucoma and Growth in the brain, in patients. Presently, the equipment used for Visual Field Testing is  bogus and tiring to the patients. Sometimes the test results are not 100 percent accurate. The aim of the study was to develop an  improved Virtual Reality (VR) model for visual field examination (VFE). The objectives were to: Survey the existing domain of Virtual Reality  Environment (VRE) in order to come up with VRE requirements framework. Design an Android application for visual field  examination using the Unity Game Engine. Implement the proposed virtual world using VR Google cardboard, C-Sharp, Unity and  Android phones. Evaluate the metrics of success of the software solution. 100 volunteers were randomly selected for the visual field  examination. The volunteers comprised of 50 males and 50 females, all within the ages of 10 to 16 years. Ultimately, the result from our  model showed that the system could be used to evaluate the visual field of patients. This makes the model a potential equipment that  would be used to reduced the screening time of patients in the hospitals. 

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2805-3478
print ISSN: 1597-4316