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Awareness, skills and use of cloud based storage system among librarians in university libraries in Nigeria

Nelson Edewor
Hannah O. Ogoyibo


The study explored the awareness, skills and use of cloud-based storage systems among librarians in university libraries in Nigeria. Four  research objectives, questions, and three hypotheses were raised to give the research a focus. The researcher adopted a descriptive  survey design. The population of the study is 183 librarians engaged in the Federal, State and Private university libraries in Delta and Edo  States, Nigeria. The census sampling technique was used for the study. A structured questionnaire was used to elicit data from the  respondents. The data were analysed using mean, standard deviation, frequency count and percentage. To test hypotheses 1 and 2, the  Pearson Product Moment Correlation Coefficient was used while for hypothesis 3, Multiple regression was used. The study found that the  level of awareness of cloud-based storage systems among librarians in university libraries in Delta and Edo States, Nigeria, is high.  Also, it was shown in the study that the extent to which librarians possess skills for cloud-based storage systems in university libraries in Delta and Edo States, Nigeria, is high. Another finding revealed that the extent to which librarians use cloud-based storage systems in  university libraries in Delta and Edo States, Nigeria is high. It was established from the findings that the purpose for the use of cloud  storage systems includes easy migration from one software to another, facilitating inter-library loan and resource sharing, and storing  library records/files, among others. It was recommended that training should be provided regularly in the university libraries of Edo and  Delta State, Nigeria to impact the required skills on the use of cloud-based storage systems and data privacy policies and security  measures should be ensured to prevent cyber threats, data breaches and other security vulnerabilities. 

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2805-3478
print ISSN: 1597-4316