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Effect of human resources development on organizational growth: A case study of Fidelity Bank PLC, Abuja

Emmanuel Ameh


The Effect of Human Resources Development on Organizational Growth is important so that organizations can achieve its goals and  objectives. As a result, the concept of human resource development has emerged as a strategy to improve the competence of the  employees and for enhancement of organizational effectiveness. Specifically, four specific objectives and research questions guided the  study. The study adopted the survey method research design. The target population consisted of eight hundred and twenty two (822)  employees of Fidelity Bank Plc from different branches in Abuja. The study had a sample frame of five (5) respondents per each branch of the 12 branches. The study used self-development structure questionnaire as the instrument for data collection. The data collected were  analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics techniques (Spearman’s rank order correlation method and multiple regressions), this  was carried to find out if there is a relationship between human resources development and organizational growth of Fidelity Bank  Plc. The multiple regression analysis was used to find out the effects of the independent variables. Human resources development  (training and development, performance appraisal, team work and communication) on the dependent variable-organizational growth. It  is on the basis of the findings that the researcher recommended appropriately. 

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2805-3478
print ISSN: 1597-4316