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The Impact of Using English as a Medium of Instruction in South Sudan
This study is an impact assessment of the language policy of South Sudan. Primary data for this study came from official documents from the government of South Sudan. The study utilised Critical Discourse Analysis to qualitatively analyse the data and establish recurrent themes from it. It was discovered that the use of English as the official language of instruction in South Sudan is intended to contribute to the formation of national identity as well as equitable access to economic opportunities, regional ties and trade, illustrating the political and economic priorities associated with language of instruction policies. The introduction of indigenous languages in the education policy is intended to give the learners the opportunity to start their learning, reading and writing, as well as basic arithmetic, in their home language with a view to preserving and promoting the value of cultural identity, to promote awareness and respect for their rights, and to reduce the gap between home language and medium of instruction at school. South Sudan's language policy does not see multilingualism as a rich resource because the linguistic landscape and language practices in South Sudan reflect a hierarchical policy. English is placed at the pinnacle of languages, functioning as the sole official language.
Keywords: South Sudan, Critical Discourse Analysis, language policy, language in education, English and indigenous languages