There has been a gap between the role played by universities and industries in improving the quality of science education in Tanzania as there is no established link between the three parties. The objective of this paper is to analyze the possible opportunities for industrializing secondary schools by up scaling scientific innovations using secondary schools, possible challenges and the way forward. The study has surveyed undergraduate students and instructors teaching and learning experiences at Sokoine University of Agriculture (SUA) and found out that very few industrial or outdoor practices are integrated with teaching. Also, University students’ expectations are basically unrealistic as they are less informedabout the way they will apply theoretical perspectives in the field of work. These observed experiences are rooted in schools where university instructors and students emanate. Through review of various innovations developed by universities including SUA, it was established that there are several innovations in different fields especially in crop cultivation, animal husbandry and natural resource management that can be introduced and then amplified in secondary schools as there are unutilized opportunities in such schools. It means, schools can be turned into industrial centers that can directly and indirectly benefit the community, production industries and more importantly improve the quality of science education at all levels as an engine for advancing development of science and technology. Though there are foreseen challenges in industrializing the schools, collective efforts of various stakeholders backed with political will can break through the challenges successfully.