The study focused on implementation challenges of the new Geography Diploma Syllabus in Tanzania. The study used Korogwe and Dakawa Teachers’ Training Colleges as a case. Dakawa teachers’ training college is located in Morogoro region while Korogwe teachers’ training college is based in Korogwe district, Tanga region. The study was guided by two research objectives, namely: to investigate on implementation challenges of the New Geography Diploma Syllabus in Tanzania teacher colleges and recommend on ways to improve the implementation of the New Geography Diploma Syllabus in Tanzania teacher colleges. The study employed documentary analysis, interviews and observation as methods for data collection. The results of the study revealed that although Ministry of Education and Vocation Training (MoEVT) deemed adopting the new Geography Academic Syllabus to be the best in teacher training colleges; it has shown various implementation problems in teacher training colleges. The key problems included: poor selection of the diploma students to join the teacher training colleges, short time allocated to teach Geography academic topics, inefficient Geography teaching methods, lack of essential text books both for teachers and students, poor organization of the teaching practice and weak administration of continuous assessments. To address these gaps, MoEVT is advised to shift to the practice of training teachers