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Determinants of the Use of Cell phones in Access to Beef Cattle Market Information for Smallholders in Mpwapwa District, Tanzania
Statistical Package for Social Sciences in which the main analytical model was binary logistic regression. In the model, the dependent variable was access to beef cattle market information via cell phones with two options; did not access (0) and accessed (1). Research findings revealed that the nature of using cell phones in access to beef cattle market information was mostly determined by distance from home to the nearest cattle market; the variety of information demands; income earned per year; level of local network coverage and access to mobile financial services (M-Pesa). On the basis of these findings it is concluded that the smallholder beef cattle producers can use cell phone technology in market information sharing to enhance their marketing participation. Therefore, the study recommends that cell phones service providers should extend their services more in the rural areas of Mpwapwa District.