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Intertekstualiteit – ensiklopedie en argeologie: Matteus se voorstelling van Jesus as redder
calls the encyclopaedia of the author or the original readers. The former enterprise entails exploring intertextuality at the synchronic level and the latter examines intertextuality at the diachronic level. The fi rst pertains to Matthew’s pretexts. The second enterprise entails an engagement with pragmatical aspects such as the context of the intended readers and the sedimentation of prior texts designated by the notion intertextuality. In this article the pragmatical aspects concern a discussion of the manner in which the fi rst readers could be addressed by the pretexts of the use of the word sozo (‘to save’). It consists of three parts. The fi rst represents a concise refl ection on criteria and
methods relevant to an investigation of intertextuality. The second exemplifi es the ‘ encyclopedia’ of Matthew’s intertextuality, that is ‘intertext’, ‘paratext’, ‘hypertext’, ‘hypotext’, ‘architext’, and
‘metatext’. The third part discusses the pretexts of the various occurrences of the word sozo in Matthew.