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The presence of anthropological approaches in contemporary readings of Islamic thought

Abdul Mufid
Novi D. Nugroho
Ismail Ismail
Retno K. Savitaningrum Imansah
La Mansi


This article attempts to touch on the presence of anthropological approaches in contemporary readings of Islamic thought, given that the latter raises  questions and problems that express events that are still characterised by a permanent and urgent situation, which led to the employment of several  approaches and visions that descended from contemporary Western knowledge in the field of human sciences, including anthropology. Despite the  Western origin of Islamic thought – anthropology – and the delay in its inclusion as a specialisation within the field of academic practice in Arab  universities after independence for various reasons, the years that followed the independence of Arab countries since the second half of the 20th century  carried with them the seeds of the formation of the first anthropological research that began to find its way towards gradual maturity.

Contribution: Anthropology, with its devised mechanisms and methodological tools, and the theoretical perceptions it entails, constitutes one of the  entrances upon which contemporary readings of Islamic thought are based through a discussion of certain angles related to the historical and cultural  heritage that furnish Islamic thought and nourish its references.

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2072-8050
print ISSN: 0259-9422