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Adult religious morality development from the Quranic perspective: Strategies to overcome Islamophobia and Christianophobia

Nur A. Febriani


This article unveils the Qur’an’s perspectives on the erosion of phobia of other religions because of the negative stereotypes attached to Islam and  Christianity to create greater peace in religious life globally. Furthermore, the Qur’an’s perspective on adult religious morality development is revealed by  the at-tafsir al-maudhu’i method (a thematic interpretation). The study shows that adult religious morality development should integrate (1) religious  morality (appreciation for faith differences), (2) national morality (love for the state and motherland) and (3) social morality (social integration) to build  individual religious maturity to overcome Islamophobia and Christianophobia. Religious maturity renders humbleness, moral consistency,  comprehensiveness and heuristic in every individual character. The results of this research are in accordance with Wallport’s opinion on religious maturity. Contribution: The main contribution of this study is to reveal the insights of the al-Qur’an regarding the solution to the problems of Islamophobia and  Christonophobia caused by the stereotypes of Islam and Christianity. In addition to interpreting verses, this study is equipped with psychological studies  in building everyone’s religious maturity so that they can think and act wisely in respecting differences in beliefs. This study is expected to minimise the  problems of Islamophobia and Christianophobia from inside and outside the adherents of these religions. 

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2072-8050
print ISSN: 0259-9422