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Gender equality in Catholic religious and character education: A multiculturalism perspective

Dody S. Truna
R.F. Bhanu Viktorahadi
Mochamad Z. Haq


Gender equality continues to be important because it strengthens society. One of the efforts to promote gender equality in Indonesia is gender equality  education. For Catholics in Indonesia, the existence of the 2013 Curriculum Ethics and Catholic Education (PAK Kurtilas) had a strategic role in  mainstreaming gender equality education. This research used library sources to research these textbooks with adequate ethical and multicultural  analysis. Here, information was conveyed through a qualitative approach through annotations and descriptive data on the texts studied. According to this  study, the curriculum offers instructional materials on the value of gender equality in intercultural education, which used the critical discourse  analysis (CDA) technique. The textbook analysis also recommended using gender-responsive learning approaches and methods so that students could comprehensively understand the material on gender equality.

Contribution: This article uses a textual analysis with a religious socio-ethical viewpoint.   This study could help to solve social problems through theological education.

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2072-8050
print ISSN: 0259-9422