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Understanding Islamic law in the context of vaccination: Reducing the doubt cast on COVID-19 vaccines

Kosim Kosim


One solution to prevent the spread of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is getting vaccinated. The promotion of vaccines through religion helps to  control the pandemic. One of the causes of doubts about vaccination in society is religious understanding. Vaccination has an important correlation with  Islamic law or Islamic jurisprudence. This research aims to analyse the effect of understanding Islamic law on doubts about vaccination. This research  used quantitative pre-experimental designs. The research sample consisted of 160 people who were not vaccinated. The sampling technique involved a  non-random sampling method. The data analysis is descriptive and inferential. The results of this research showed the following: (1) the understanding of  Islamic law related to the status of halal and haram has a positive influence on the Muslim community’s willingness to vaccinate, (2) the understanding  of the emergency concept can increase confidence in vaccines and (3) the education related to understanding Islamic law can effectively  reduce doubts about vaccination. Contribution: This research provides knowledge about the COVID-19 vaccine from the perspective of Islamic law. This research provides a new strategy to reduce public doubts about vaccination

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2072-8050
print ISSN: 0259-9422