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Pauline and Johannine <i>Theosis</i>

Ryan A.R. Ferries


This article looks at Colossians 2–3:17 and John 17:13–26 as the base texts to see the commonalities between Johannine and Pauline conceptions of  Theosis. First, the article looks at indwelling and participation as the methods of Theosis in the two traditions. Second, the role of mimesis is seen to be  integral in these texts’ concepts of Theosis. Third, the article looks at hope and glory that believers have and look forward to as indicative of their  deification. The study begins by defining the term Theosis and its cognate terms – deification and divinisation – properly, within an Orthodox Christian  context.

Contribution: The goal is to see and detail the concept of Theosis in Pauline and Johannine literature, looking at Colossians 2–3:17 and John  17:13–26 specifically. As such, the present study will broaden the discussion the doctrine of Theosis as it appears in the Christian scriptures.

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2072-8050
print ISSN: 0259-9422