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Exomologesis as an absolute form of standing in inter-religious dialogue

Vasilică V. Bîrzu


The present study intends to offer another perspective over the inter-religious dialogue emphasising the spiritual state of exomologesis as an essential  means of accomplishing a better and real understanding of a participant in dialogue. It makes some short analysis of penitential confession as  homologation with the Logos, of the prayer as inner dialogue or confession or exomologesis with the Logos and of the confessions as a literary style,  which all engages the deep, spiritual dimensions of communion with the Logos and finally analyses and exemplifies the ecstatic and existential spiritual  dimensions of the exomologesis as an absolute form of standing in dialogue.

Contribution: The study offers the necessary spiritual understanding and impulse for a more efficient inter-confessional and inter-religious dialogue,  promoting HTS Journal as a herald of this dialogue essential and indispensable for the life of the world.

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2072-8050
print ISSN: 0259-9422