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Surrogacy in Indonesia: The comparative legality and Islamic perspective

Bayu Sujadmiko
Novindri Aji
Leni W. Mulyani
Syawalluddin Al Rasyid
Intan F. Meutia


Reproductive health technology allows married couples who experience infertility to have a child through assisted reproductive technology (ART), such as  the in vitro fertilisation (IVF) process. The transfer of the extracted embryo to the woman’s womb is called surrogacy technology (gestational  surrogacy). The legality of the practice of surrogacy is still questionable, both on a national and international level. This research discussed the legality of  surrogacy in some religious countries, focusing on Indonesia. This research used normative juridical research methods or literature review through a  comparative religion-legal approach. This study indicated that most do not have a specific legal instrument regarding surrogacy practice. International  law also does not have a standard legal instrument regarding the legality of surrogacy. Legality is determined by each religious country’s national laws  and customs. For example, Indonesian law prohibits this practice implicitly under Law No. 36 of 2009 concerning health. The United Kingdom legalised  surrogacy through the Surrogacy Agreement Act 1985, which was amended to the Human Fertilization and Embryology Act 2008, Greece through the  Greek Legislation Law 3089/2002 and Law 3305/2005, and India through the 2019 Surrogacy Regulation Bill. Those countries have their limitations and  characteristics that rule surrogacy. Surrogacy is indeed a technological advancement in the health sector. However, for countries that are influenced much  by religion, technological advances sometimes conflict with the culture and the belief that has long been followed by most of the population. For  Indonesia, the largest of Sunni Islam ruled surrogacy against the law. Next, Iran, as a Shia Islam country, ruled that surrogacy is a legal action. 

Contribution: The research provided information and knowledge regarding the different settings of surrogacy practice. Most religious countries bravely  rejected or put strict limits on the practice of surrogacy.

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2072-8050
print ISSN: 0259-9422