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Identity formation at the dawn of liturgical inculturation in the Ethiopian Episcopal Church

Phumezile Kama
John S. Klaasen


This article reflects on the impact of the inculturation of liturgy in the Ethiopian Episcopal Church (EEC) on identity formation within the context of African  Christianity. In the EEC, the quest for African Christian identity formation is essential in understanding the role of black culture at the advent of the  inculturation of liturgy. Inculturation can be viewed as the meeting and interaction of the Christian gospel and local cultures where neither the liturgy nor  the cultures are superior than the other. Thus, it is vital to understand the inculturation of liturgy and its implications for African Christian identity in  the EEC. There is a need for an official guiding principle or doctrinal and theological position on use of language and instruments associated with  ancestor veneration at all levels of the EEC. The aim of this article is to clarify how the transformation of the EEC liturgy shaped the African Christianity’s  identity of its members. It also attempts to provide clarification on the use of language, symbols, and instruments associated with traditional healers in  the liturgy and how it creates identity confusion within the EEC. Lastly, we discuss some of the limitations in the liturgical inculturation endeavour in the  EEC.

Contribution: This article contributes to a wider discourse of Christian identity formation from the perspective of the coming together of Christianity  and African culture. It also contributes to the quest of EEC members for being authentic Christians while also being proud Africans. Specifically, it  contributes to the EEC’s quest for African identity through the inculturation of liturgy.

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2072-8050
print ISSN: 0259-9422