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Voorbeelde van die ontwikkeling van geloofsgemeenskappe in verskillende tekste en kontekste: Vanaf die Ou Testament en die Nuwe Testament tot vandag


In this study, the development of faith communities is investigated in different texts and contexts. The socio-religious understanding of various communities, from the time of the Old Testament, to today, has the potential to provide an understanding of ecclesiology and perceptions about what ‘church’ entails. In this study it is not suggested that there is one ideal faith community, nor can the approach of one faith community be adopted by another community. Every community exists within a certain socio-historical context and must be understood as functioning within that framework. Yet it is possible to learn from history by reinterpreting key elements in new contexts.

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2072-8050
print ISSN: 0259-9422