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Die landsbelofte en grondbesit: Enkele perspektiewe op die boek Miga

J.G. Strydom


The land promise and the possession of land: A few perspectives on the book of Micah

In prophetic circles the whole crisis about justice centered around the issue of the land and its ownership, more specifically the unfavorable distribution of the land which took place. This means that the land promise, made to Abram, as well as the way in which the promised land was eventually taken possession of and distributed, formed the basis of the prophets critique against social injustice and their consequent call for justice. To illustrate this matter this article focuses on the book of Micah by analyzing the passages which deal with issues of social injustice.

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2072-8050
print ISSN: 0259-9422