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Kultuurimperialisme as ’n hermeneutiese dilemma: Eerste-wereldse en Derde-wêreldse perspektiewe op Jesus as die Seun van God

Andries van Aarde


The hermeneutical dilemma of cultural imperialism: First-World and the Third-World  perspectives on Jesus as the Son of God In this essay the hermeneutical dilemma of cultural imperialism in the engagement of First-World theology with Third-World theology is addressed by means of a hermeneutics of conversation. The Christological title ‘Son of God’ serves as a case study. Western ontological Christology is compared with the christological perspective in African theology of the Son of God as elder brother and as ancestor. Both these perspectives are interpreted in the light of the evidence in the New Testament.

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2072-8050
print ISSN: 0259-9422