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’n Preek vol aanhalings: Miga 1 vanuit ’n redaksie-historiese perspektief

J.G. Strydom


A sermon full of quotations: Micah 1 from a redactionhistorical perspective

In his Micah commentary, published in 1976, AS van der Woude holds the view that Micah 1 has to be understood as a literary and historically-original unit, a sermon which Micah delivered at Lachish. In this article it is agreed that Micah 1, in its present form, indeed forms a literaty unit (a sermon), but against Van der Woude, the thesis is put forward that the sermon does not form a historically-original unit; it rather underwent a historical development in the sense that Micah, in delivering the sermon in 701 BC (not 722/1 BC as Van der Woude suggests), made use of (quotations from) two prophecies, spoken by himself, against Samaria (722/1 BC) and Jerusalem (714-711 BC). The present form of the chapter therefore has to be ascribed to Micah himself, and not to the redactor of the book.

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2072-8050
print ISSN: 0259-9422