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Rudolf Bultmann se ontmitologisering van die Nuwe-Testamentiese eskatologie
Rudolf Bultmann’s demythologizing of the eschatology of the New Testament
This article investigates Bultmann’s views on the eschatology of the New Testament as expressed respectively by Jesus, the earliest Christians, Paul, John and the churches of the post-apostolic period. It also pays attention to what Bultmann has to say about the secularisation of eschatology during the history of the church, and about the relationship history-eschatology. The conclusion is that although his program of demythologizing has far-reaching and dire consequences for the traditional end-time eschatological expectations of the church, much of it is to be evaluated positively. Much is also to be gained from his insights especially with reg a rd to his emphasis on the ex istential importance of the decision of faith, in the moment here and now, for authentic existence as the eschatological event.