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Die Nagmaal en broodgebrek
Holy Communion and want of bread
In Africa one out of three people suffers from undernourishment or malnutrition. In this respect the topical question whether Holy Communion and acts of charity to those who suffer from hunger can be linked. Jesus not only endows Holy Communion with a personal dimension of faith, but also foregrounds this aspect in the care for those who suffer from hunger. New Testament material reveals that in the congregation of Jerusalem partaking of Holy Communion developed into mutual diaconal care. It is thus for this reason inter alia that Paul warns against misusing Holy Communion. This kind of misuse was evident because the rich partook of Christ’s meal of love without realising that they could only be part of this act of love by bestowing love themselves. In this article some practical guidelines to link the celebration of Holy Communion and the crisis of want of bread are discussed.