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Physical activity and diet for Type 2 Diabetes reduction among older people living with HIV in Harare


Background: People living with HIV (PLWH) are ageing, and face increased risk for developing Type 2 Diabetes. Physical activity and diet are effective in reducing Type 2 Diabetes risk. However, there is variation in how older PLWH engage in physical activity and healthy eating.

Aim: To describe older PLWHs’ engagement in physical activity and diet for Type 2 Diabetes risk reduction in Harare

Setting: The study was conducted in five polyclinics in Harare urban district from low socioeconomic areas.

Methods: A qualitative approach and an exploratory descriptive design was used. Twenty-three participants were selected purposively based on the researchers’ judgement of age among PLWH. Data were collected using a semi-structured interview schedule and analysed
using Braun and Clark’s six steps of thematic content analysis. Ethical approval was obtained, and each participant provided informed consent.

Results: The mean age of participants was 62 years. Participants performed varied physical activities through; economic activities, walking, exercise, and domestic chores. Diet included indigenous, unrefined grains, vegetables and fruit, influenced by rural background. Diet consisted of larger proportions of carbohydrates with lesser varying portions of protein and vegetables and fruit. Healthy eating among participants was facilitated by the proximity of markets and family.

Conclusion: Health education to reduce Type 2 Diabetes risk should focus on fostering current physical activities to meet prescribed standards and increasing fruit and vegetable consumption.

Contribution: The physical activity and diet self-care practices among older PLWH are inadequate in reducing Type 2 Diabetes risk, emphasising the need for appropriate health education.

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2071-9736
print ISSN: 1025-9848