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An analysis of referrals received by a psychiatric unit in a general hospital part 1: the need for and research design adopted to study referrals received by a psychiatric unit in a general hospital: research

M. Dor
V.J. Ehlers
M.M. Van der Merwe


In order to receive holistic health care, patients requiring psychiatric care, need to be referred to psychiatric services. The first part of this report reviews the need to analyse the referrals received by a psychiatric unit in a general hospital in the Republic of South Africa. The research design adopted to study this phenomenon will also be addressed. The research results, obtained from analysing the referred patients' records, will be discussed in Part 2 of this report.

Ten einde holistiese gesondheidsorg te ontvang, moet pasiënte, wat psigiatriese sorg benodig, na psigiatriese dienste verwys word. Deel 1 van die verslag verskaf 'n oorsig oor die noodsaaklikheid om die verwysings te ontleed, wat deur 'n psigiatriese eenheid in 'n algemene hospitaal in Suid-Afrika ontvang is. Die navorsingsontwerp wat aanvaar is om die verskynsel te bestudeer word ook bespreek. Die navorsingsresultate, wat bekom is deur die verwysde pasiënte se rekords te bestudeer, sal in Deel 2 van die verslag bespreek word.

(Health SA Gesondheid: interdisciplinary research journal: 2002 7(1): 93-102)

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2071-9736
print ISSN: 1025-9848